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Jenna Johnson

Piano Instructor, Certified Bob Ross Landscape and Floral Instructor, Certified Portrait Instructor

I have had a passion for music for as long as I can remember!  I remember sitting at the piano when I was little trying to teach myself how to play from some old books I found that were my mom's from when she was little.  Finally, when I was in the 6th grade I was able to start taking lessons and I was so enthusiastic that it wasn't long before my family put the piano in my bedroom because they were tired of listening to me play! But a year after I started lessons, all the practicing paid off because I was asked to be the accompanist for the school choir. I used to think that they asked me to play because I was so good but I realized later that it was only because there was no other option! But even so, that was just the beginning of a love affair with music. Music was my life and my self esteem grew the more I played. Over the years it has become my therapy during the hard times of life. It brings me peace and I want to give this gift to as many as I can!  
I also love to paint.  I am a certified Bob Ross Landscape and Floral Instructor and a certified portrait instructor. My favorite is painting portraits after the manner of Valerie Stewart.
One of the highlights of teaching is seeing my students' self confidence grow as they master something new! I love it!

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